Design: the only constant which imbibes the change

by Sakshi G. Patil

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Mankind has evolved over a period of time and design has been its true companion. At the dawn of every revolution, there was a rise in civilization. The human race has its downfall in terms of every aspect. But it has always paved a way for a better future. Every destruction brought a hope of unexperienced reconstruction. We have always thrived for the best. In this pattern of finding new things or experiences, there has always been some kind of repetition and differentiation. The foundation of human mind is the constant chain of thoughts recurring itself in any way possible. Hence, the ideas are never limited and make us all think of every other perspective.

After the catastrophic events of world war, there was chaos everywhere. The systems were shaken and so was the human race. But the people managed to make the word a better place. New technologies, new patterns, new rules were imposed which emerged with the ultimate goal to make the world a better place. This was made possible by the visionaries who decide to change the existing scenario and smudging the differences. Today, even though the world may not be destroyed in a tangible manner, the pandemic has definitely altered the lives of people in some way or other. But even in these darkest moments, the mankind has not lost its hope. There have been attempts to create a people inclusive space. People had the chance to pause, look for a while in the moment, and appreciate everything he has been surrounded by. Even though the pandemic shut down the outside world, it made us familiar with the inside world. It made us all to look again!

Fig no. 1- Construction of a structure after the war.
Fig no. 2- Floating city by BIG. A scope towards a new future

Design has existed in the world even before the birth of mankind and will continue to exist even after its demise. Our galaxy is a design and so are the debris in space. It holds the power to change an individual as a whole and also empower an entire community. We humans have always been adaptive to change and hence, the possibility of a utopian future still exists.

Sakshi G. Patil is a fourth year student at the Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Architecture and Design Studies 

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